My Journey to ONE LAST PUSH 2019 FFAR Retreat “Faith Journaling Style”

My Journey to ONE LAST PUSH 2019 FFAR Retreat

Faith Journaling Style

Praise Jesus, everyone. I would like to take the time out to use this blog post to show you my Creative Faith Journaling entries that I did in my Journey to the One Last Push FFAR February 2019 Retreat. In other words, these can be seen as the SPIRITUAL MEMORIAL STONES OF MY JOURNEY TO FFAR ONE LAST PUSH RETREAT FEBRUARY 2019.  Please Enjoy.

How did I create these entries?

I typed my notes from the sermons that Ruth Naomi Mitchell did on Facebook in preparation for the major FFAR One Last Push Retreat. I glued print outs in my Bible of the main themes that stood out to me from her sermons. I used some of the fancy fonts that I have available in my copy of Microsoft Word to create these print outs.

There is a similar post to this on my Ministry Facebook page entitled “Memorial Stones of God’s Faithfulness Faith Journaling Ministry” that gives greater detail of what these entries mean to my life. If you are interested, feel free to go and check it out.

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What do these Spiritual Memorial Stones Mean to Me?

These Spiritual Memorial Stones of my Journey to the One Last Push Retreat are a reminder of how God used Ruth’s sermons to encourage me that no matter how my circumstances appear to be, like the lepers, I must always be determined by faith to give the One Last Push in my life. I must never give up on God. I must never throw in the towel. As long as I have life, I have hope because My God, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the GREATEST GOD. GREATER THAN ALL gods. I used to give up easily, however these entries serve as a reminder to me to depart from a life of giving up easily and enter into a life where I will endure to the end for the Lord God by faith.



Sister Osheen Wright


My “One Last Push” FFAR Retreat Journey Part 3

Praise Jesus Christ of Nazareth everyone. I am so happy to be with you again. I pray these posts are blessing your hearts and realigning your mind to Jesus in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In the previous blog post, I explained how the Icebreaker Session the One Last Push Retreat on Friday February 8, 2019 impacted my life. In today’s post, I am going to continue to talk about how the other sessions that took place after the Icebreaker session also impacted my life.

After the Icebreaker session, we had a Ministry Building Session. The opening Scripture for this session was Habakkuk 2. The speakers for this session were amazing as they shared the testimonies behind their respective ministries. This session was very impactful for me because I was reminded of the importance of writing clearly, the ideas that the Lord has given you. I love to write so hearing this really appealed to me. I was also reminded by these presenters, through their life experiences, that your greatest pain can give birth to your greatest ministry. It is all for the Glory of the Most High Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

If the Lord has given you an idea for a ministry or a business, take time to reflect and write the idea that the Lord has given you. Take time to slow down and focus and write where you desire to go in life. Take time to slow down and focus and write everything about the purposes you desire to fulfill in life. Take time to slow down, focus and write the vision and make it plain. I was also reminded of the importance of committing your plans to the Lord and also not allowing anybody to stop you from pursuing your God-given dreams and goals.

We were not only inspired and impacted to write, but we were also given the tools (beautiful notebooks and pens) to start the Writing the Vision process. I really loved this because we left the retreat not only being empowered but armed with the tools needed to get started writing our vision and making it plain so we can build and establish it.

I also remember hearing a member of the audience telling us to TRUST THE PRESSURE. I always hear encouragers telling us to trust the process but when I heard that person say TRUST THE PRESSURE, it had a huge impact on me. Even though I know that Trust the process and TRUST THE PRESSURE is basically saying the same thing, hearing the person from the audience, who was speaking, encouraging us to TRUST THE PRESSURE had a deeper impact on my mind and my heart and my Spirit. It caused me to look at my life differently.

I have had experiences where I ran from pressure. Any time the battle got hot, I used to hide instead of facing the enemy, confronting the enemy and casting out the enemy with the authority and power that God has given me. However, being encouraged to TRUST THE PRESSURE allowed me to know and stand on the fact that anytime my battle gets hot I must not run away but I must run to Jesus. Anytime the battle is turned up 7 times hotter all I have to do is hold on because I am going to come out as pure and refined and top quality gold. Pressure is good because pressure teaches resistance. Pressure teaches one to continue to resist the enemy. Pressure teaches one to build up a defense against the enemy. Pressure teaches us to grow and mature in character. TRUST THE PRESSURE. IT IS AN AMAZING TEACHER OF CHARACTER BUILDING AND STRENGTH.

From this session, I also learnt that it is very important to commit all that I do to the Lord before and while developing a ministry or a business and allow Him to approve and disapprove as He Wills while He is establishing His perfect purpose for our lives. I was reminded of the importance of obedience and also that any ministry and business idea that the Lord gives me is solely for His Divine Glory.

Ruth also encouraged us not to let anyone discourage or hinder us from carrying out our God-given vision.

The last session that happen on Friday happened in the night and it was the church service. The opening scripture for this session was 2nd Kings 7. This is the story with the four lepers that decided to go into the camp of the Syrians. Minister Kenyatta McLeish was the main speaker for this session.


This session impacted me greatly because God used Minister McLeish to pour into us. Below are the notes I took from this sermon:

This was the declaration he gave us to say:

  1. I Pray With Passion.
  2. I Pray With Power.
  3. I Pray With Understanding.
  4. I Am A Lethal Weapon In The Hand Of God.


  1. The expectation of the people is in proportion to the level of the sacrifice they have placed upon the altar.
  2. The level of your commitment/sacrifice/worship/praise must supersede what you are looking for from the Lord.
  • God said: (IN 2018) I allowed you to feel the heat of the fire without being burned. I allowed you to go into the ocean without being drowned.
  1. I am the Lord that will cause you to PRODUCE IN YOUR AFFLICTION. The Hebrews didn’t die, they multiplied. What I went through was a set up for multiplication.
  2. God said: I am going to cause you to produce in the affliction. What they enemy thought would have killed you, I am going to use it to push you.
  3. It was designed to get you to THIS PLACE. What is THIS PLACE? It is the place of your BIRTH/REBURTH.

Ok devil, I recognize your hand. You are trying to get me to a place of frustration so I can’t see what God is doing in the Spirit.

  • The enemy wants you to focus on what he is doing in the natural so you can’t see what GOD is doing in the Spiritual. If he can’t get you, he will get the thing that you love. If he can’t get you, he will touch the thing that you want to accomplish.
  1. Birthing doesn’t happen until the pain hits (the water breaks).
  2. You’ve been under pressure: IT’S TIME TO PUSH.
  3. You’ve been rejected and abandoned: IT’S TIME TO PUSH.
  • In order for us to see manifestation of the Glory of God in our life/ for His Glory to rest in our life, we must follow instructions. (When I heard Minister McLeish say this, I remembered when Ruth encouraged us earlier about how it is important to follow instructions and she made reference to the fact that Ruth followed the instructions that her mother in law,Naomi, gave to her.
  • In the book of Joshua they got the WORD concerning the PROMISE but something was hindering them. The JORDAN was standing before them. The JORDAN was hindering them from possessing what was rightfully theirs.
  1. The Lord told Joshua to tell the people to sanctify themselves.
  • TELL YOURSELF: For the Glory to be manifested, I must be SANCTIFIED.

Friday February 8, 2019 was an amazing day. I am happy I got the chance to spend it at the One Last Push retreat. I can truly say I got my ONE LAST PUSH. I am not the same as a used to be and I am eternally grateful to the Almighty God for this.


Saturday Reflection



The sessions on Saturday were amazing as well. I thoroughly enjoyed all of them. The presenters spoke mostly on marriage and the characteristics that are needed for a marriage to be effective. Some of these characteristics are communication, commitment, controlling of jealousy etc. the presenters, as well as the various shared experiences of the audience, gave me great insight into the world of marriage.

Ruth gave us her testimony and the most impactful sentence from her testimony to me was:
Sometimes you have to hide (go in your secret place) to protect the promise.  I have had so many experiences of this so I just smiled when she said it.

This two day retreat was well planned and well executed and it is a retreat that I will never forget.



P.S: I finally got the chance to meet Evangelist Marcia Baker.




Sister Osheen Wright

Above all though, the greatest part of the retreat for me was Friday’s Icebreaker session. It will forever be dear to my heart and impactful to my Spiritual Walk with the LORD.

My One Last Push FFAR Retreat Journey Part 2

My “One Last Push” FFAR Retreat Journey Part 2
Friday Reflection Part 1
Praise Jesus Christ of Nazareth everyone. I pray everyone who is reading this is doing great today. Based on the feedback that I have been receiving, I can see that you were blessed by last week’s introduction to my One Last Push FFAR Retreat Journey. I am very grateful to God that my testimony could bless someone’s heart. Please let nothing hold you back from giving your all to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. There is no other God like Him and there is no other on earth or in Heaven that is as Great and Amazing and as merciful as He is. Fellowshipping with His Sufferings is worth it. Even if He doesn’t choose to bless me, Loving Him is worth it because He has proven to me that He is the best Father I could ever ask for. I have tasted of His Deep Love, Saints of God, at my lowest point and because of this, I know He will never let me out of His Hands. It is a great feeling to be this close to the Saviour and my desire is to be closer. My wish for you all is to seek to be closer drawn to the Saviour. Just A Closer Walk With Thee Jesus. Just A Closer Walk With Thee.
Now back to today’s post.
I am going to continue my FFAR Retreat Journey By explaining how the events that took place on the Friday impacted my life.
When I got to Tropics View Hotel and I took my seat in the conference center, Evangelist Marcia Baker was already taking care of the Ice Breaker Session and I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed that session. It caused me to be put into a position to think and assess my spiritual life as it relates to how far I have come in a deeper way. As I am writing this now and remembering the particular question that she asked in the Ice – Breaker, I am thinking that it actually reminds me of how I view the third Arm of My Ministry (Memorial Stones of God’s Faithfulness Faith Journaling Ministry) which is Creative Testimony interpretation.
The question she asked was for us to think of a Bible Character that we can identify ourselves with and we should tell why we identify ourselves with that Character. Our lives must have something in common with that Bible Character. For example: If we choose to identify with Joseph, we must have a personal testimony or testimonies of pit – like experiences such as things being stolen or taken out of our lives or rejection/betrayal etc. In other words, we would basically be connecting one of our testimonies in our personal life to the life of the Bible character that we choose.
The Bible Character that I chose to talk about was David. I have many things in common with David such as the fact that he and I both love to write especially about the problems that we face. This is greatly shown in the Psalms of David. However the reason I spoke about David was due to the fact that He was a man after God’s own heart who, in His backsliding state, felt the love of God so deeply that no stronghold, no valleys, no shadows of death, no despair, no struggles at all could separate Him from the unwavering trust that He had in God Faithfulness towards him. I love the fact that in many of his Psalms, he will speak about how he feels about his despairing situations, but he always ends his Psalms by saying that he will hope in God, he will trust in God, he will yet praise God because GOD is his Help. God is his everything. I also love the fact that he always chooses to remember God’s Past Faithfulness to him even during situations where God is silent in his life. He never lets go. He stands fervent in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I too went through a backsliding season where I came to the point where I completely gave up, refused to go back to church and I decided I was going to give up everything. In about a year and a half before I backslid, I started to lose faith in God because I couldn’t understand many of the things that were happening in my life and it was frustrating plus I could not feel that God really loved me. To be honest, I believed no one really and truly loved me. Looking back on it now, yes that was what I truly believed. It is safe to say I didn’t know how it felt to really be loved. I also hated suffering and I complained a lot. This is basically a summary of my journey to backsliding. There is more to my Journey to Backsliding, but as God permits, I shall speak. But the bottom line of the matter is that, before I backslid, I didn’t know the love of God. I heard about it, but I didn’t experience it. I also lost faith in God. In this time however, I still believed that God was real, I still believed in the Oneness of God, I still held true to the fact that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The Only True God. I held on to this especially because, I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Holy Ghost moves forcefully inside me so I could not deny the Holy Ghost. I could not say God was not real because I know He is. But I had so many questions that were mixed with so many confusing and frustrating life experiences, that I just could not feel God and because of that I could not have faith in Him and I found it very hard to believe in Him. Every time He would prove Himself to me, I would try to find some way to not believe. I was blind to the love of God. So I finally backslid. I came to a point in backsliding where I got tired of trying to hold on to what I believed about God so I told Him that I was done. I told Him I am going to give it all up then separate myself from everybody for good so no one can contact me. I wasn’t thinking of suicide but rather of running away because I know that what I would have done would have scarred me for life and I may not be able to recover. I completely let go of everyone. I didn’t see my life going anywhere so I gave up completely.
After I said that (maybe about a week to a few weeks’ time) God shook up the situation I was in to the point where things were not the way they used to be before. When this happened, I took the first open door I could see out of the situation and I went back to church and I have never looked back into that situation since God allowed me to leave it. I closed all doors. The period of time I actually left the church for was approximately 3 months but everything happened very fast.
In my coming back to church, I started to listen to the Bible and do Creative Bible Journaling more frequently. As a result of this, God began to answer many of the questions I had asked Him before I backslid and while I backslid. The first answer God led me to was Deuteronomy 13 and He allowed me to know that He actually permitted those things to happen to me because He wanted to prove me. It was right then and there that my faith in God went from 0% to 100% because, He actually revealed more of Himself to me by answering my questions. God permitted me to go to rock bottom so I could only see Him. My wrong choices brought me down low, but in my low state, God in His redemptive power delivered me and cause me to see Him so when He answered my questions, and revealed Himself deeper to me, my faith and love for Him grew to leaps and bounds.
God taught me that He really loves me and cares about me and because of this, I am now able to love and care about others. I am still being processed as it relates to love but I am not what I used to be and that is due to the mercies of God. I have also started to document God’s Labours of Love and Revelations to me more frequently and because of this I am able to stand when adversities face me because I know stand with the assurance that no matter what God allows to happen to me, He still loves me.
God came for me in my lowest point, when all I could do was separate me self from everybody and stay in the cage of despair. God broke down all my walls and came for me. God came down sooooooooooo low to take me from lowness to high levels in Him. When I was called crazy because what I was saying could not be understood, God understood me even when I could not understand my self and He came for me.
Deep, deep down in my lowest point, God came for me. Who am I, not to give up my life for this God who came for me? Who am I, not to suffer for this God who didn’t turn His back on me when I gave up and decided I was going to throw everything away but He came for me. Who am I not to?
Both David and I’s Wrong choice cause us to go on the backsliding route but we both experienced the love of God even deeper than we ever did before and it changed the course of our lives forever.
This is why I can deeply identify with David.
I too have proven that there is no valley that God will not go chasing after us. There is no situation that is too hard for God.
Thank you very much for reading. Next Time I will explain how the rest of the FFAR Retreat service on Friday impacted my life. See you then.
Sister Osheen Wright

My “One Last Push” FFAR Retreat Journey Part 1

Praise Jesus Christ of Nazareth everyone. I pray everyone who is reading this is doing great today. Honestly, I cannot complain. God has been too good to me. I would love to share a testimony with you today.

The Fabulously Far Above Rubies Foundation (FFAR) that is founded by a dear sister and friend of mine by the name of Ruth Naomi Mitchell had a retreat in Jamaica on Friday, February 8, 2019, to Saturday, February 9, 2019, at the Tropics View Hotel that is located in Hatfield, Manchester. This retreat focused on the theme: One Last Push.

My complete journey to this retreat was a really rocky and rough one, and it is when I got to the retreat and I experienced the intense favour of God, that I understood why I had this rocky journey. To be honest, I came to a point at the last minute (I think two weeks or so before the retreat date) that some personal reasons that caused me to be confused and frustrated, as well as financial reasons, caused me to try to pull out of going to the retreat. As a result of these reasons, I informed both Ruth as well as another of her administrators by the name of Petrina that I wouldn’t be able to make it to the retreat anymore. However, they both never gave up on me and they showed this by refusing to take me off the registration list.

During this time also, my phone was going through problems so most of the times it was off. When I do get the chance to charge it and use it, the battery runs down in minutes so I can’t use it for a long period of time. However, after I informed them of the fact that I wouldn’t be able to come to the retreat, in the following days leading up to the retreat, I saw where Petrina kept calling me. I honestly didn’t return the missed calls because I didn’t know what to say. All I could see was my circumstances and because of that, I didn’t see any way possible of me reaching the retreat so I literally gave up on trying. Anyways, about two days before the retreat, Ruth texted me saying she needed to talk to me. I replied to her text, then she called me. I explained to her of the problems with my phone and the fact that I still did not have any money and she told me that I should come on the Saturday and that my food will be taken care of, all I have to do is come.

Honestly, everyone, I was glad for this breakthrough, but I could feel it strongly that if I decided to finally go, the Saturday alone was not going to be enough for me. In addition to the problems that I had at first that caused me to give up going to the retreat, another problem hit my family in the same week as the retreat and I said to myself that I needed the two days away from my home. One day just would not help me nor strengthen me, so even though I got the Saturday retreat breakthrough, I was still trying to see how I could push for the Friday as well. This shows me that God knows that a comfortable person cannot push, so when He is ready for you to push purpose out and reach a breakthrough, He will let everything turn upside down to push you out and into purpose.

When I saw how Ruth as well as Petrina, didn’t give up on trying to get me to come to this retreat, regardless of what I told them and I saw that they did not only say “they are not leaving anyone behind” but they stayed true to their words with their actions, I said to myself, that I am going to go. Regardless of what I am facing I am going to go. Let me tell you something, everyone. There is power in not giving up on someone who cannot see what you see in them. There is power in not giving up on someone who cannot see where God is taking them, even though you see it. When you don’t give up on someone and that person sees that no matter how much they try to run from a task, you still have not given up on them, you still stuck to your belief in them to the point where regardless of what they do, you refuse to leave them behind; When the person sees that you weren’t just saying you will never leave them, but you actually prove true to your words by your actions, it will change their life. It will push them to accomplish even greater than what you see in them.

Because Ruth and Petrina never gave up on me but they went the extra mile, I decided that I was going to push beyond my circumstances and attend the retreat. God allowed them to tell me to come on the Saturday, but I decided in my heart that since I am going to go on the Saturday, I wanted the Friday too. I needed to be outside of my house for a while and away from the constant complaining and frustrations. So I made provision to come to the Friday services, then at the end of those services, I would go and stay at a friend’s house in Manchester. I called Ruth and told her about it and she said I must come. She told me she wasn’t sure about the food for me for Friday but I should still come. I told her I didn’t care about the food, I would fast if I had to. I just needed to be at that retreat and out of my house. She told me to still come.

On the Friday of the retreat, I was already packed and ready to leave for Tropics View Hotel. I had only about one hundred and something dollars on me, so I went to a friend of mine that owns a business place in Maggotty that I support and I borrowed $500 from her and she gave it to me. That money took me to Tropics View Hotel. Upon reaching the Tropics View Hotel, I saw Petrina and she told me that I will be able to stay at the hotel on the Friday night. I was excited. Really, really, really, really, excited when I heard that.

After the Friday morning services were over and it was time for lunch, Ruth told me it was ok for me to go and eat lunch with everyone else at the hotel’s dining room. I also go the chance to eat dinner with everyone as well.

In addition to all these Friday blessings, I got the chance to win my very own “From Promise to Manifestation” Journal from Talsia Jenkins who is the founder of Kingdom Culture Couture. She is on Facebook as Talsia Jenkins and Instagram as @kingdomculturecouture. Please go and check her out.

When Friday’s service was finished, I experienced sleeping in a hotel for the very first time in the history of my life. I was able to experience all these breakthroughs without me paying any money because God had already allowed everything to be fully paid for. God allowed everything to be fully paid so someone like me with no money could experience favour and breakthrough. My life is forever changed because of what GOD did.

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On Saturday, God gave me another major breakthrough that I would not have gained if I did not push myself to come to the retreat. I got many photographs taken without money (and I bless God for this labour of love from her towards my ministry) by Shique Photography which is owned by Monique Mills. She is on facebook as Monique Mills as well as Shique Photography. She is on Instagram as well. Please go and check her out. You will be glad you did. She does top quality photos and she does them with all of her heart. You will not regret working with her. These photographs were very, very important to me because I needed them for an idea I had in mind to do, so I am happy God saw it fit to give me this breakthrough through her. She didn’t only take the photographs without charging me but she also edited them with the same joy and passion that she would have if I was paying her.

This retreat and the breakthroughs I experienced had me literally speechless. God has made me speechless before but this took it to another level. This immense breakthrough that God gave me at this retreat, has further solidified my faith in God because I have seen that HE WILL BREAK BARRIERS FOR ME TO GET ME WHERE HE WANTS ME. This experience caused me to realise that God can do anything. There is nothing that is too hard for Him. All you need to do is love Him, be yielded completely to Him, give your complete heart to Him and let Him have His sweet Divine way with you.

Money is not a barrier to God. Nothing can limit God. I have proven that at this retreat. There is nothing at all on this earth that can limit the power and movement of the Most High God. I am grateful that my retreat journey happened like this. It is a journey that has forever changed my life and I will never forget it.

Listen, you see when you have to give birth, it is not only the pushing in the maternity section that is important. You also have to push your way to the hospital. Breakthrough is there for you, but you have to push yourself on the journey to go and get it. You cannot wait to give the one last push. You have to continue building momentum in pushing until you reach to the one last push in order to get what you birth. You have to keep pushing in your mind. Push against your circumstances. Push against the morning sickness, push against nausea, push against the vomiting, push against everything on your journey to the ONE LAST PUSH, on your journey to your mega breakthrough.

The lepers in the book of Kings in the Bible had to make it up in their mind that they going to push before they could manifest it in the physical. I learnt this. I almost never reached the retreat because I had stopped pushing. I allowed my circumstances to kill me and push me into hiding, but when you got strong purpose birthing midwives that refuse to leave you behind because they have been where you are, it makes big differences in your life. I wanted a strong increase of faith from God and it was given to me at this retreat, but I almost never received it because I had stopped pushing. But thanks be to God, I was not left behind.

Sometimes all it takes for someone to be an overcomer is for you to refuse to stop believing in him/her even when he/she does not believe in his/herself or when he/she can go. I experienced this level of belief from Ruth and Petrina and because of this I reached the retreat and got this much amount of blessings and breakthroughs that I also almost never got.

I have learnt a lot from this experience but the main lesson I learnt is that it is very, very, very important to not give up on anyone no matter what. In doing this, you got to know when to step back and let the person make his/her choice but regardless of the choice, by you refusing to leave anyone behind, you are transforming lives and moving mountains. As a result of the fact that I wasn’t given up on, I am now positioned to literally live my life, giving up on no one, no matter what. Thank you FFAR for being one of the instrumental forces in teaching me this life lesson.


Sister Osheen Wright

Be Comforted Nonetheless

Praise the name of Jesus Christ every one. I just want to remind someone that the Lord is good. He is truly indeed amazing and He is indeed beautiful for situations. Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. Glory be to God, Hallelujah.

On Sunday, May 20, 2018, when I was at church, my church’s Assistant Pastor was the one who was given the opportunity to preach. The title of her preaching was “BE COMFORTED NONETHELESS.” And the scripture she read was Job 5: 1 – 6. While she was preaching, the Lord Jesus Christ used her to say many things that reminded me of past Bible Journaling entries that I had done and also an encouragement that a particular prayer partner of mine had given to me. This experience is what I would love to share with you all today.

Now, the fact that she focused her preaching on the book of Job and she even said, Job is a good book to study especially when you are battling a severe storm, led me to remember the Bible Journaling entry I did on Job in my first K.J.V. Journaling Bible which is shown below:


The words “What is Your Blessings Come through Raindrops” comes from the song “Blessings” by Laura Story. To me, this song represents the story of Job exceptionally well and it is also a beautiful song of comfort and strength for those going through severe storms in their life as it causes people to realign/refocus their mind on God and all the good He is using the pain to bring forth. Remember God will not cause pain without allowing something new to be birth. Also remember God is intentional as He works all the situations, challenges and joyful moments in our lives for our good while He creates our beautiful masterpieces. This same entry was later redone in my K.J.V My Creative Bible as shown below:


As you can see, I added butterflies. This is because, at this very moment in my life, lessons from the caterpillar to butterfly transformation are an important part of my life as it comforts me and equips me to go through my seasons with joy.

I saw this preaching from my assistant pastor as God reminding me to study the book of Job. She started to expound on the story of Job and especially the words that Job’s friends were saying to him. The fact of the matter is that Job’s friends thought he sinned because they could not find any other possible conclusion in their mind as to why God would allow these things to happen to him. They could not understand why he was being afflicted so much. Job also could not understand why he was chosen to endure so much affliction but he knew he did not sin. Many of the words that Job’s friends said were discouraging, however, that did not stop him from trusting in God.

It is the same with us. There will be times when we will find ourselves in situations in which we will not understand or know the reasons why we are chosen to go through it. People, especially close friends, around us may not understand why we are going through various situations either and so many of the times they may say things that further hurt us and cause us to be discouraged. Therefore this is why my Assistant Pastor’s theme was “Be Comforted Nonetheless.”

In spite of the discouragements and the misunderstandings of Job’s friends, Job never lost faith in God. Job never cursed God. We can be like Job. When people come to discourage us, let us turn the discouragement into encouragement and be comforted nonetheless.

Words that are meant to discourage will come, but it doesn’t have to discourage you if you do not let it. It matters which way you turn it.

Choose to turn Words made to discourage you into positivity today and MOVE FORWARD IN FAITH IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.

My Assistant Pastor went on to say

“When the Words come, Job, which was are you going to turn it? Somebody can say the worst things to you and you take it as an encouragement.”

It was when I came from church and I was doing some personal journaling that I remembered that this specific line that came from my Assistant Pastor actually connected with the Sunday School Lesson that took place on the same Sunday Morning. A specific part of it was dealing with the Syrophenician woman who came to Jesus for her son to be healed. This lesson can be found in St. Matthew 15: 22 – 28. Jesus said to her

“It is not meet to take the children’s bread and give it to the dogs.”

Now, this lady was a gentile and gentiles are normally referred to as dogs. However, this lady did not let this Word stop her from exercising her faith in God in order to get her deliverance. She decided to turn this word, that others may have taken as a negative Word, into a positive Word and as a result of this the Lord saw her faith and granted her, her deliverance.

This is proof that it depends on how you turn it. You can choose whether you are going to see the positive and joy in everything or if you are going to put a negative spin on everything.

My assistant pastor also said:

“if you choose to see everything in a negative light you will die in your valley. You have to find comfort even in the places where people think you will die.”

These words reminded me of an encouragement that one of my prayer partners gave to me the last time I saw him. He said:

“A wise man will be strengthened/encouraged/assisted by discouragement but not even encouragement will help an unwise man.

The Syrophenician woman would have died in her valley, had she not decided to see Jesus’ Words to her in a positive light than a negative light. In order to have great faith, you have to reach the stage where you see everything in a positive light. If someone calls you a dog, choose to stay positive by emulating the persistence of a dog. The Syrophenician woman was persistent and as a result, she got her deliverance.

Remember you cannot stop people from criticizing you and calling you names, but you can choose how you respond to those names. Let those names build you instead of tearing you down in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Stay positive in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Even if, in discouraging times, when words come to try to discourage you, if it comes to the test that you have to spend five minutes and write down the words in a journal and then underneath you write the question, HOW CAN I SEE POSITIVE IN THIS NEGATIVE WORD? And the Lord helps you to answer it then you pray and move forward in strength. Do It. It will be worth it in the end and it will cause you to see God in each situation rather than yourself.

It depends on how you turn it.

My assistant pastor furthermore said:

“There is a time to be silent and a time to speak.”

“When you are going through your season, ask God to cover you until your season pass.”

“If you give up on God, you will never experience the next season. If your mission is to overcome/survive you must go through the season. While going through the season lean upon God.”

While these words were being said, I remembered that on Thursday, May 17, 2018, and on Saturday, May 19, 2018, the Lord Jesus Christ had been speaking deeply to my spirit about Seasons and He was using visible experiences in my environment to allow me to have a deeper understanding of seasons.

On Thursday, May 17, 2018, the Lord allowed me to walk outside my house and witness the wind blowing to the ground, some of the yellow and brown leaves of an ackee tree that is located right in front of my gate. It was a beautiful sight to see leaves falling to the ground like rain and painting the ground under the tree.

I started to meditate on this action and the Lord cause me to write down a meditation from this experience. The bottom line of this experience was that you have to shed your old leaves (Bad habits, bad ways, ineffective tools, friends that have concluded their purpose in your life) in order to grow new leaves (new habits, new and effective ways, effective tools, and new destiny helpers ordained by God) for the new season. You cannot carry the old season’s baggage into the new season. That would be chaotic and strenuous and even an unpleasant sight to behold. The old would poison the new.

What if the tree should keep its old leaves, would there be any space for the new ones? What if a tree had both its old and new leaves growing on it, wouldn’t that cause a lot of deadly problems to the tree?

God designed the tree to shed its old leaves so new leaves can emerge. We also must come out of the old so the new can be effective in our lives. This is just the principle of God. One cannot go contrary to God’s season and expect to have an effective life. That is impossible.

As a result of getting this revelation, I was thinking of the best way to illustrate it in my Bible. The Lord Jesus brought to my memory, a napkin that I had and I went ahead and used it. This is the entry below:


On Saturday, May 19, 2018, I was looking into one of my favourite books that had some Bible journaling entries that focuses on Ecclesiastes 3. There is a specific one that focused on the fact that Ecclesiastes 3 said: “For everything, there is a SEASON.”

The word SEASON inspired me to search my stash of Bible Journaling napkins to find any that depicted the four seasons.: Autumn, Summer, Winter, and Spring. I also thought of the Season of rain versus the season of sunshine. However, I only found napkins to depict the four seasons that were listed first. The entry below was done as a result of that:



While searching for the Autumn napkin especially, the Lord allowed me to ask some questions and that allowed me to gain another revelation which I will share soon as the Lord permits.

I loved the way how God used the preaching on Sunday, May 20, 2018, to confirm all He has been teaching me about seasons. All Glory be to His Name continually for this.

My final words to you are:

“ Even if you do not understand the season you are in, TRUST GOD”

“Whether Encouragement or Discouragement comes: BE COMFORTED NONETHELESS.”


Thank You For Reading. I Pray Your Life is Transformed. Be Blessed in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Building Character For the Kingdom of God

Hi everyone. I would just love to stop by and share a part of my day yesterday.

I am apart of a sisterhood on Facebook that is known as the FFAR (Fabulously Far Above Rubies) Academy. This Sisterhood is lead by a beautiful lady by the name of Ruth Naomi Mitchell.

This ministry is all about building courtships and marriages globally and the academy is geared towards building sisterhoods globally. I can say that since I have been apart of this ministry my life has never been the same as I have learn the meaning of true sisterhood and how to be a true sister indeed and I am grateful for this foundation..

However the reason I brought it up today is because the leader of FFAR, Ruth Naomi Mitchell, did a live video yesterday on the topic


And I can safely say that listening to that life video had me evaluating my life to the point where while the live video was going on, I was journaling. And I just want to share the two Journaled pages I did with you all..

This is the first question that was asked in the video that had a really big impact on my life.

Are you in the VINEYARD to Work or are you there to EAT THE GRAPES?

Honestly, the ministries we are in, why are we doing them? Why are we going to church? Are we there to reap the benefits, are we there to say yes we are apart of something, are we there to make our resume look pretty or are we there to work, are we there to invest our time and service so people can get to know God deeply? Are we there to invest something worthwhile or are we just there to see what we can get out of it. Are we there to be selfless or selfish? Are we there for ourselves or to be ministers and servants selflessly to others? Why am I doing what I am doing? Let us all ask ourselves that question..

Crave the process.

Are you willing to live/be the Word?

Many times we crave the result of the process: being a supervisor, getting our degree, being called as an evangelist, being a prefect at school, being head girl, being head supervisor, being a top class music producer, writing books, being the head of a ministry or many ministries..

However, many of us do not crave the process that is needed to get to the product. Honestly I can say I am like that many times. I know what it is like to be a professional runner. I know what it is like to run away from the fire. I know what it is like to run. But honestly running has put me no where so especially for this 2018 I am determined not to run anymore. But yes I know what it is like to run from the process while still having the product on my mind. I know what it is like to be faithless and heavily doubtful.

So Trust me when I say I know what it means to CRAVE THE PRODUCT RATHER THAN THE PROCESS..

However I want to make that change in my life. I want to start craving the process.

Honestly, the process is where true relationship with God is formed. The process is where your are molded and made to be more like God. The process is where it all happens.

So I just want to encourage everyone including myself to live your life loving and living for God selflessly and intentionally.. Be in the vineyard working not only eating.

Remember you have got to work the vineyard in order to eat the grapes that the vineyard produces.

And while working in the vineyard, embrace the process.

God bless you all.


Osheen Wright

Thank You Lord For Unconditionally Loving Me

You Love Me Anyway by Sidewalk Prophets

I have always always listened this song but today I saw it differently. I honestly saw it differently.

The first verse goes like this:

“The question was raised
As my conscience fell
A silly little lie
It didn’t mean much
But it lingers still
In the corners of my mind
Still you call me to walk
On the edge of this world
To spread my dreams and fly
But the future’s so far
My heart is so frail
I think I’d rather stay inside”


The chorus then says

“But You love me anyway
It’s like nothing in life
That I’ve ever known


Yes You love me anyway
Oh Lord, how You love me
How you love me”

My favorite part is the second verse ”

It took more than my strength
To simply be still


To seek but never find
The reasons we change
The reasons I doubt
And Why do loved ones have to die?”

This song means so much to me because with all the mistakes I’ve made, with all the times I have succumbed to fear, with all the times I have ran like Jonah, with all the times I’ve cried God still loves me. God still hasn’t thrown this clay away.. God still sees purpose in this clay.

God knew Peter was going to deny him yet still he kept Him close. God wasn’t afraid to love Peter and even after denial God still loved Peter.

God Knew Judas was going to betray Him yet still that didn’t let Him cast Judas aside.

God still loves me inspite of. God is still calling me inspite of. Inspite of, God still loves me.


The bridge of the song is Even more amazing..
It says

“I am a thorn in Your crown
But You love me anyway
I am the sweat from Your brow
But You love me anyway
I am the nail in Your wrist
But You love me anyway
I am Judas’ kiss
But You love me anyway

See now, I am the man who yelled out from the crowd
For Your blood to be spilled on this earth shaking ground
Yes then I turned away with the smile on my face
With this sin in my heart tried to bury Your grace
And then alone in the night I still called out for You
So ashamed of my life, my life, my life”

Mercy. This song is just amazingly one of a kind.

Wow. I am Amazed

Wow. Hi everyone. Wow. I’m having an amazing 2018 already and the year just start. I honestly cannot complain..

I just want to share some of the goals that I am definitely going to put in place by God’s help for 2018.

The first thing I want to talk about is a WarBinder. Now, if you have seen the movie Warroom and also if you are in the WarBinder facebook group then you will have an idea of what I am talking about. Also If you keep prayer journals then you will have an idea of what I am talking about too. I have always wanted to have a Warroom since I watched the movie but due to my living circumstances, I can’t. Anyways I have tried to construct WarBinders and Prayer journals but I would end up throwing them away because they never felt like me. I would try to imitate others when making my Warbinder. It didn’t feel like mine. It felt like I was trying to build someone else’s warbinder and not my own. So I gave up doing it for a while. I even went to the point where I thought a WarBinder just is not my style. However this morning when I woke up I started thinking about somethings and this word came to my mind:

Live by God’s Revelations and not your feelings.

I started to think deeply about it.. I even sent it to one of my friends and we started to send messages to each other comparing our feelings to God’s revelations.


My Feelings: I am not loved.

God’s Revelation: Jesus loves me

My Feelings: I am Worthless

God’s Revelation: My strength is made perfect in your weakness.

And while doing so I remembered a video that Abby Rose (one of my dearest instagram friends) did on YouTube where she showed her Prayer Closest and in her prayer closet she had a paper where she turned her fear into faith. I though of doing something just like that with: Comparing my Feelings to God’s revelation. It then came to me to put that in a binder. After that all the sections that I could involve in a personal warbinder came to my mind so literally God constructed my warbinder this morning all I have to do is make it. God is truly amazing. His ways are passed finding out. I am amazed. Really really amazed. So all I have to do is to actually make the Binder. I want to do that soon.. I also want to have a travellers notebook to go alongside it. That I plan to make too. Glory be to God. Im excited to start on what God has revealed to me. I’m excited to start on this warbinder God himself has led me to develop. The sections are:

1. My Feelings Vs God’s Revelation

2. Gratitude

3. Word for the year

4.Original Poetry

5. Ministry Prayer

6. Original songs

7. Birthday resolutions

8. Testimony

These will be the sections of my Warbinder and anything else the Lord has in store.

The second thing I want to talk about is my Word of the Year for 2018. They are:

1. Selflessly and intentionally pursue Joy

2. Live by God’s Revelations and not my feelings.

3. Simplify..

I am excited to dive into these words in this year.. Really really excited these words will be a huge part of my Warbinder and my Bible Study.. I am excited to see how God is going to indeed change my life through indepth studies of these words.

In addition to this I’ll be studying the Bible chronologically in a year with the Well With My Soul Expressions Facebook Group.


Fasting With Prophetess Sheena Williams (her page is on Facebook)

I have started a Facebook Group on Facebook called MEMORIAL STONES OF GOD’S FAITHFULNESS FAITH JOURNALING MINISTRY. Many Wonderful things are in-store for this ministry. In this ministry I’ll teach Bible and Prayer Journaling as well as foster and create sisterhoods and brother hoods and friendships. .

My Verse of the Year is: Psalm 46:10. I hope you were encouraged. God bless you richly.

My Major Highlights of 2017

O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good: for his mercy endureth forever.. (Psalm 136:1)

Indeed thanksgiving is the order of my day when I sit and reminisce on how my 2017 has unfolded. 2017 was a year that contained many lessons of which I know will be of much help to me in this coming year 2018.

I had a really amazing year inspite of the setbacks and I’m excited to see what 2018 has to offer to me.

However I just want to show the major highlights that made the year 2017 a successful year for me.


The FFAR Retreat in Jamaica at the Cardiff Hotel and Spa in Runaway Bay St Ann. The title of this Retreat was Remove Your Mask 1.0. The founder of FFAR is an amazing Woman by the Name of Ruth Naomi Mitchell. I was happy to meet her for the very very very first time in person at this retreat.

She has been a tower of strength to me in my life and being apart of the FFAR (Fabulously Far Above Rubies) Foundation Sisterhood has been really really amazing to me. It was amazing being at the retreat among sisters of like minds and passions and just being able to be myself and finally remove my mask without being judged. It was an amazing time of deliverance and people being set free. It’s a retreat that was one of a kind and I only expect greater. I also thank the Lord that he gave me the chance to testify at this retreat and it was then that my deliverance came.. I will never forget that moment.

Major Highlight 2

Teaching my First Faith (Bible and Prayer Journaling) Workshops.

The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth opened up various avenues for me to be able to do this and I must say that the experiences were amazing. I was given the chance to teach about something that I am amazingly passionate about and I look forward to doing more in 2018. A Faith Journaling Ministry Facebook Group was also birth as a result of this vision and I’m excited and awaiting what God has in store in 2018.

Major Highlight 3


I finally got the chance to experience what it is like to have Penpals, recieve and Give Happy mail and just spread joy through letter writing and emailing.

I have gotten the chance to bond with so many people through this avenue that I can safely say this the ministry of Penpalling gives me amazing joy.

In addition to this I have also gotten to make crafts that I never knew I could have made. Two examples of these are:

Handmade Tags

A Blessing in a Bag.

I learned to make all these in the Well With My Soul Expressions Facebook Group. It’s truly an amazing group. I am happy To be apart of it.

Major Highlight 4

Going to the P4CM Tour that was held at the Emmanuel Apostolic Slipe Road in Kingston Jamaica.

I got the chance to see some of my favorite poets (Ezekiel, Jackie Hill and Preston Perry, Janette..ikz) perform live. It was amazing. I actually went with one of my best friends.

Major Highlight 5

Meeting Sister Shavonne. This was a meeting I never will forget. It was as if I knew her for ages.

Major Highlight 6

Being apart of the Creative Bible Journaling Facebook Group Staff as a Prayer Chaplain.

Major Highlight 7

Coming 2nd in the 2017 UCAM Zonal Song Competition.. It was under the theme Trim Your Lamps and Keep It Burning (Matthew 25:1 to 13)

I pray that as 2018 begins, that God will continually take control of my life as He teaches me His desires. God Bless you all.

Welcome. Glad You Are Here.

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.. I am happy to have you here. Thank you for stopping by and I pray that you will continue with me on my journey as I share God’s faithfulness in my life..

My name is Osheen Wright. I am from Jamaica. I am 22 years of age. I currently attend The Bethlehem Moravian College where I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education in the English Language and English Literature subjects. These are my two favourite subjects of all time.. My passions include: Faith Journaling (Bible and Prayer Journaling), Writing (letters, poetry, devotionals, songs), Singing, Spoken Word Poetry, Teaching, Mentorship and Evangelism.. I am passionate about being selfless and going above and beyond in mentorship and ministry and I seek to do that more as the days go by as long as God lendeth me breathe.

I can say I have had an eventful life so far and to be honest it is still eventful but through it all God has been faithful.

I have lost many things and people that I have love in order to reach my current stage and season of life now but through it all God has been and is continually teaching me His faithfulness. I can say that I have failed many times, I have ran out of many of God’s exam rooms and I have had to do many resits but through it all God has indeed remained faithful to me.

This year 2017 has been a bittersweet one for me but I appreciate it just this same.

However my focus for 2018 is to be more intentional and focussed. I want to learn how to commit my ways and plans to God and literally go where He sends me. I want to work for God rather than for the love of man.

I want this year 2018 to be a year where I lean and depend on God more.

Thank you for stopping by and reading. I appreciate the fact that you did. God bless you richly..